"More" takes you to the different pages.
Poetry is from A Softer World, links are found in the section titles.
Gifs are from tumblr, links are embedded in them (click 'em).

Basic info

Everyone is staring as the priest hands the megaphone back to me.
“You all just attended my gay wedding,” I say.
(or, as I like to call it, my wedding)

Do Not Interact

Instead of going to work, I rode my bike out of town until I was exhausted
and then I fell asleep in a strange field.
Sometimes it feels
pretty good to be me.
(I feel exhausted and perfect.)


I think you are beautiful and I would like to kiss you.
I can think up some clever lines, if you'd prefer.
But I wanted to say that, first.
(none of those lines seemed to be about you or me.)

Basic Info

This blog (@.tardigradeinatrenchcoat) is run by my boyfriend, Tom! This is being written by his boyfriend too.

Tom goes by he/him/bark pronouns, and identifies as a polyamorous gay man.

You can call him Tom or Thomas! He is comfortable with nicknames.

He is a singlet, and neurodivergent.
If he wishes to get more specific with this that's barks choice, but it's not necessary information + bark doesn't wish to be recognized irl. No personal identifying information will be put here (such as age, location, etc).

Bark is not comfortable with unsolicited dms, and most likely will not reply to any sent his way. Please refrain from small talk!

This blog is some stimboards, reblogs, and anything else he wants! By him, for him. He does take requests for stimboards, but likely won't get to them quickly.

Bark is dating two people in our system, and he's been dating me specifically for 2 years as of this carrd's creation (given to him on April 1st, 2022)!

Some things he's interested in are My Little Pony, Markiplier, Warrior Cats, Five Nights At Freddy's, Red Dead Redemption 2, Eraserhead, and much more!
He particularly loves fancy, luxurious aesthetics, tardigrades, isopods (his favorite is the rubber ducky isopod), Bertha the Bunyip, animatronics in general and how they work, cat genetics, and hairless cats!

Do Not Interact

Here's a basic run-down of his DNI (do not interact)!
Please do not ask about it or ask for barks stances on anything listed, or not listed.
DNIs are for people who respect boundaries and to tell others who will be blocked. Neither of us actually believe they are 100% successful, but it's important information to the people who are respectful of others (the only people we care about here). Some of these are politics, some are basic stuff, some is personal comfort. Don't assume things about people you don't know.
Without further ado, do not interact if:

You support: Matpat, Scott Cawthon, the Cookie Run Ovenbreak/Kingdom developers, the Danganronpa developers, Christopher Bingham, or Matthew Hargreaves.
You are, support, or interact with: Endogenic systems/supporters, tulpa systems/supporters, transabled, believe in systemhopping, ableists, fakeclaim, believe systems are not real, use the terms "sysmed" or "traumascum", otherwise anti-system or refuse to find wrongdoing in your actions.
You are, support, or interact with: TERFs, SWERFs, otherwise transphobic + classist
You are, support, or interact with: Proshippers, anti-antis, pro-fiction, transage, clovergender, MAP, NoMAP, DDLG, CGL, MDLB, partake in ageplay, sexualize/romaticize children in any way (including syskids + agere)
You are, support, or interact with: Anti-LGBTQ+, anti-MOGAI, anti-xenogenders, anti-neopronouns (including emojiself pronouns + nounself pronouns), do not believe in pronoun + gender nonconformity (believe pronouns=gender, presentation=gender, etc), aspec exclusionist, trans exclusionist, arospec exclusionist, pan exclusionist, nonbinary exclusionist, otherwise transphobic, homophobic, aphobic, etc.
You are, support, or interact with: Racist, xenophobic,
"all lives matter"/"blue lives matter", pro-cop, anti-black lives matter, anti-stop asian hate, believe that racism is not an issue (yes this includes Europe), alt-right, etc
You are, support, or interact with: "cryptbros", NFTs, classist, anti-property is theft, anti-eat the rich, fast fashion, etc


In Order (the stuff here): Music, various other poems

Butch 4 Butch by Rio Romeo
I/Me/Myself by Will Wood
Cherry Bomb by The Runaways
Cops / Dogs by Destructo Disk
Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon
Stuff Is Way by They Might Be Giants
Like or Like Like by Miniature Tigers
Sleep Thru Ur Alarms by Lontalius
Harness Your Hopes - B-side by Pavement
A Mask of My Own Face by Lemon Demon
Toe to Toe by Streetlight Manifesto
DEATHWISH by poutyface
Notion by The Rare Occasions


something moves under her skin
when we kiss she has too many tongues
but she's beautiful
(and i don't want to be alone)
on days like this I would just disappear
if it weren't for you and your love
like nails in my feet
I have a deal with myself
read one book get one night of dancing
life is good.
(We can read out loud tio each other, while we're getting ready!)
I have no use for "before and after" pictures.
I can't remember starting, and
I'm never done.
(to die would be an awfully big adventure)